Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Use it or lose it

I was reading in Matthew 25 this morning about the parable of the 3 servants (Matt. 25:14-30).  Jesus illustrates what the Kingdom of Heaven is like by telling the story of a master going on a long trip and entrusting 3 of his servants with his silver.  The first servant he entrusted with five bags of silver, the second with two bags and the third with one bag.  The first two homies invested the money and doubled what their master had.  The third dude buried his in his backyard or somewhere and only gave his master back the same amount upon his return.  The master praises the first two servants, then celebrates with them and entrusts them with even more responsibilities.  The third servant is called lazy and wicked and all of his money was taken away and given to the first servant.

What was interesting in my reading was that it talked about how money back then was referred to as 'talents'.  So although the passage is talking about money, the same principals of the parable can still be applied to the things you do well...the things God put in you to further his kingdom...the things you might call TALENTS.  Don't be ashamed of your talents or think you are not good enough to use them for God.  Invest those talents and watch God give you even more responsibilities.  Don't be like the third servant and let your talents be buried one day with your body.  What step do we need to take today to use our talents and further his kingdom?

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