Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Yesterday morning I was reading about the time that Jesus went into the Temple area and saw the merchants selling the cattle and sheep and the dealers exchanging money at the table, etc.  He makes a whip from some ropes (Chuck Norris aint got nothing on Jesus), then proceeds to chase them all out of the Temple, all while scattering coins and turning over the tables.  You can read all about it in the 2nd chapter of John.

When the disciples saw Jesus going Walker Texas Ranger on their tails, they remembered a prophecy that was foretold from scripture..."Passion for God's house will consume me".

Now let's bring things to present day.  What is the hot topic that's got everyone worked up right now?  The U.S. economy and the debt ceiling saga (insert evil laughter here).  Believe me, I'm ticked about it just as much as anyone else because I can see the neglect and greed and whatever other word you want to throw in there to describe some of our leaders viewpoints.  BUT are we getting so worked up and passionate about it that we are taking our eyes off of Jesus and the church and looking to Washington for answers?  Let me make one thing clear...God does not work under a debt ceiling or economy, nor does he have any sort of limitations that will stop his will from being done.  The answer to this current saga and any other future saga is the church.  One person and one family at a time making a difference by being passionate about God, being passionate about the church, doing the things that we can do in our own family and finances to make a difference, and by praying for our leaders to get their head out of...you get the picture.

So what consumes us?  Passion for ________will consume me.  If God's house is not in that blank, then we need to look at our lives and priorities to figure out how to get it back in that blank.  I said earlier that God doesn't have any limitations that will stop his will from being done.  The things we have in those blanks could be a limitation...Read those last 2 sentences again.  Bring your passions back home to where they should be, then watch as things somehow miraculously begin to fall into place.

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