Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Chew on this

The aroma of spicy tilapia, corn on the cob and hushpuppies filled my nostrils as soon as I walked in the door from work yesterday.  Mel had fixed another masterpiece for dinner and I was immediately ready to eat.  I kept talking about how good it smelled and how I couldn't wait to dig in (I even managed to sneak away with 1 hushpuppy before dinner was served).  Finally, it was time to sit down at the table and eat.  I remember the first bite I took of the eyes closed as I chewed and savored the goodness that was now in my mouth.  I had finally went from talking about it to actually fulfilling my hunger as I swallowed and it flowed to my belly.  After 3 helpings, I was ready to push away from the table and see what else I needed to conquer before bedtime.

I'm sure you feel like you can conquer the day after that story, right?  Like you now know that there is truly meaning to life as long as you have tilapia every now and then?  Ok, so here's what was going on in my head after I got home yesterday and how my mind compared tilapia with God's word:

I was so hungry when I walked in the door yesterday and as I snuck that first hushpuppy, of 5 total, in my mouth and started chewing on it I thought how good it tasted.  But I was still hungry.  No matter how many times I chewed on it, or the fish, or the corn, etc., it wasn't going to satisfy my hunger until I actually swallowed it.  Such is the case with God's word.  We can talk to God all day (chew), but unless we are listening for God and reading His word (swallow), we will never be full.  The Bible says in Matthew 11:28-30 to get away with God and he'll show you how to take a real rest (listening, swallowing).  He wants to take your burdens (hunger) upon himself.  Sometimes we do so much talking and complaining and wondering why certain things are happening the way they are, etc., etc., that we forget to swallow.  Just as we need food and water everyday for physical survival, we need to listen to God everyday for spiritual survival.  Now go and eat!  

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