Busy, Busy, Busy. We're all busy...call 10 of your friends up and ask them what they've been up to and chances are a big percentage of them will say something like, "Oh you know, the usual...just real busy". Ugh...please, the next time you ask me what's up and I say I've just been busy, just punch me in the jugular. The truth? Yes, we're all busy...most of the time with good things but that doesn't necessarily mean they are God things.
I like what Craig Groeschel said in his latest book titled, 'Weird'. In the first chapter he talks about this very subject of being busy. He says that busy is "normal" for so many of us. We're trying to be normal and sometimes feel like that means we've got to cram in everything that we can so as to call ourselves worthy. Check out this quote from the book: "We're always rushed, always on the move, never having enough time. Almost everyone I know has little room for error in their schedule. Tragically, most people have little time for the things in life that they would say are the most important to them. When we overschedule ourselves in the belief that we can do everything, we stop being human and try to become godlike-not only impossible but also incredibly arrogant. Most of us are living at a pace that is not only unsustainable; it's also unbiblical." ('Weird', Craig Groeschel)
We're also so busy sometimes trying to "keep up with the Jones' ", but I'll have to put those thoughts in another blog because that's another hot button, punch me in the jugular, let me get on my soapbox kind of topic.
So here's the deal. Take an assessment of your busyness and do it soon. Remember, you're in control of your schedule. Cut out things that are taking a physical and spiritual toll on you and your family. Free up some time on your calendar and then sit back and watch God start using that time to reveal Himself more to you. Remember those dreams that you have? Those things that you feel God wants you to do as soon as you get time? Get un-busy and watch God make those dreams a reality. Let's kick "normal" to the curb and start living the life that God intended for us.
I'd like Jesus to say the last word on my blog today...kind of sums everything up:
"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly." Matthew 11:28-30 (The Message)
I unbelievably needed all of this today and live it every day! Thanks for sharing babe! Mel