Friday, July 29, 2011

I'm so busy...

Busy, Busy, Busy.  We're all 10 of your friends up and ask them what they've been up to and chances are a big percentage of them will say something like, "Oh you know, the usual...just real busy".  Ugh...please, the next time you ask me what's up and I say I've just been busy, just punch me in the jugular.  The truth?  Yes, we're all busy...most of the time with good things but that doesn't necessarily mean they are God things. 

I like what Craig Groeschel said in his latest book titled, 'Weird'.  In the first chapter he talks about this very subject of being busy.  He says that busy is "normal" for so many of us.  We're trying to be normal and sometimes feel like that means we've got to cram in everything that we can so as to call ourselves worthy.  Check out this quote from the book: "We're always rushed, always on the move, never having enough time.  Almost everyone I know has little room for error in their schedule.  Tragically, most people have little time for the things in life that they would say are the most important to them.  When we overschedule ourselves in the belief that we can do everything, we stop being human and try to become godlike-not only impossible but also incredibly arrogant.  Most of us are living at a pace that is not only unsustainable; it's also unbiblical." ('Weird', Craig Groeschel)

We're also so busy sometimes trying to "keep up with the Jones' ", but I'll have to put those thoughts in another blog because that's another hot button, punch me in the jugular, let me get on my soapbox kind of topic.  

So here's the deal.  Take an assessment of your busyness and do it soon.  Remember, you're in control of your schedule.  Cut out things that are taking a physical and spiritual toll on you and your family.  Free up some time on your calendar and then sit back and watch God start using that time to reveal Himself more to you.  Remember those dreams that you have?  Those things that you feel God wants you to do as soon as you get time?  Get un-busy and watch God make those dreams a reality.  Let's kick "normal" to the curb and start living the life that God intended for us.

I'd like Jesus to say the last word on my blog today...kind of sums everything up:

"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly." Matthew 11:28-30 (The Message)

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Yesterday morning I was reading about the time that Jesus went into the Temple area and saw the merchants selling the cattle and sheep and the dealers exchanging money at the table, etc.  He makes a whip from some ropes (Chuck Norris aint got nothing on Jesus), then proceeds to chase them all out of the Temple, all while scattering coins and turning over the tables.  You can read all about it in the 2nd chapter of John.

When the disciples saw Jesus going Walker Texas Ranger on their tails, they remembered a prophecy that was foretold from scripture..."Passion for God's house will consume me".

Now let's bring things to present day.  What is the hot topic that's got everyone worked up right now?  The U.S. economy and the debt ceiling saga (insert evil laughter here).  Believe me, I'm ticked about it just as much as anyone else because I can see the neglect and greed and whatever other word you want to throw in there to describe some of our leaders viewpoints.  BUT are we getting so worked up and passionate about it that we are taking our eyes off of Jesus and the church and looking to Washington for answers?  Let me make one thing clear...God does not work under a debt ceiling or economy, nor does he have any sort of limitations that will stop his will from being done.  The answer to this current saga and any other future saga is the church.  One person and one family at a time making a difference by being passionate about God, being passionate about the church, doing the things that we can do in our own family and finances to make a difference, and by praying for our leaders to get their head out get the picture.

So what consumes us?  Passion for ________will consume me.  If God's house is not in that blank, then we need to look at our lives and priorities to figure out how to get it back in that blank.  I said earlier that God doesn't have any limitations that will stop his will from being done.  The things we have in those blanks could be a limitation...Read those last 2 sentences again.  Bring your passions back home to where they should be, then watch as things somehow miraculously begin to fall into place.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Use it or lose it

I was reading in Matthew 25 this morning about the parable of the 3 servants (Matt. 25:14-30).  Jesus illustrates what the Kingdom of Heaven is like by telling the story of a master going on a long trip and entrusting 3 of his servants with his silver.  The first servant he entrusted with five bags of silver, the second with two bags and the third with one bag.  The first two homies invested the money and doubled what their master had.  The third dude buried his in his backyard or somewhere and only gave his master back the same amount upon his return.  The master praises the first two servants, then celebrates with them and entrusts them with even more responsibilities.  The third servant is called lazy and wicked and all of his money was taken away and given to the first servant.

What was interesting in my reading was that it talked about how money back then was referred to as 'talents'.  So although the passage is talking about money, the same principals of the parable can still be applied to the things you do well...the things God put in you to further his kingdom...the things you might call TALENTS.  Don't be ashamed of your talents or think you are not good enough to use them for God.  Invest those talents and watch God give you even more responsibilities.  Don't be like the third servant and let your talents be buried one day with your body.  What step do we need to take today to use our talents and further his kingdom?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Chew on this

The aroma of spicy tilapia, corn on the cob and hushpuppies filled my nostrils as soon as I walked in the door from work yesterday.  Mel had fixed another masterpiece for dinner and I was immediately ready to eat.  I kept talking about how good it smelled and how I couldn't wait to dig in (I even managed to sneak away with 1 hushpuppy before dinner was served).  Finally, it was time to sit down at the table and eat.  I remember the first bite I took of the eyes closed as I chewed and savored the goodness that was now in my mouth.  I had finally went from talking about it to actually fulfilling my hunger as I swallowed and it flowed to my belly.  After 3 helpings, I was ready to push away from the table and see what else I needed to conquer before bedtime.

I'm sure you feel like you can conquer the day after that story, right?  Like you now know that there is truly meaning to life as long as you have tilapia every now and then?  Ok, so here's what was going on in my head after I got home yesterday and how my mind compared tilapia with God's word:

I was so hungry when I walked in the door yesterday and as I snuck that first hushpuppy, of 5 total, in my mouth and started chewing on it I thought how good it tasted.  But I was still hungry.  No matter how many times I chewed on it, or the fish, or the corn, etc., it wasn't going to satisfy my hunger until I actually swallowed it.  Such is the case with God's word.  We can talk to God all day (chew), but unless we are listening for God and reading His word (swallow), we will never be full.  The Bible says in Matthew 11:28-30 to get away with God and he'll show you how to take a real rest (listening, swallowing).  He wants to take your burdens (hunger) upon himself.  Sometimes we do so much talking and complaining and wondering why certain things are happening the way they are, etc., etc., that we forget to swallow.  Just as we need food and water everyday for physical survival, we need to listen to God everyday for spiritual survival.  Now go and eat!