Friday, August 8, 2014


A teenager? Seriously? It seems like yesterday that it was day one and you were laying with your mom on the hospital bed. Then you sat up. Yep. You sat up in the bed because you were turning blue. Okay so maybe not the best memory, but everything turned out great and we knew from that moment that you were going to be a determined young lady! 

Fast forward thirteen years. We’ve got a little world changer. A girl that has a heart the size of Texas…well, as an Arkansas fan I can’t really compare anything to that state so we will just say a REAL big heart. The sky is the limit for you. That’s probably not even a good ceiling because knowing you with your ambitions, I should probably say that somewhere in outer space would be your limit. 

Lots of memories so far. All of them are pretty hysterical too. From The Big Hungry Bear (I can’t tell that story on here), to you remembering exactly where we were at any given point and the food we were eating at the time, to all of your "Maddeeism's" (like your mom), to so many of your quick witted comments over the years, they all have one thing in common…your amazing, fun, loving, big personality!

Your mom (aka my Smokin Hot Wife) and I are so proud of you. Keep leading strong, even at your young age. Your actions have already spoke volumes to people younger and older than you. We love you so much and we thank God for blessing us and giving us the awesome privilege of being your parents!

Don't let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity. -1 Timothy 4:12

Happy Birthday Maddee, we love you! 

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