Wednesday, January 23, 2013

I Give Up

Do you want to give up on something?  Do you ever think that telling God you give up is a good thing?

I was talking with a friend today and he was telling me a story that happened a little while back.  In the story, he told me how he had come to a time in his life where he didn't know which direction to go anymore and he was feeling that God had something else for his life so he prayed these words...God, I Give Up.

You see, my friend had come to a point in his life to where he was tired of trying to write his own story.  He was tired of trying to be the orchestrator of his life.  Like a child, he cried out to his heavenly father and asked him to take over.  God, I give up.

I wrote those four words down as soon as I heard them because I think a lot of us need to come to the point in our lives where we lay everything down in front of God; our fears, our dreams, those nervous feelings in your gut that you get sometimes when you know a change needs to happen, and just say God, I give up.  I cant figure it out on my own anymore.  Show me where to go.

The Bible says to 'Seek his will in all you do and he will show you which path to take.' -Proverbs 3:6. Seeking his will means giving up on your own will, reading the Bible, praying, and listening for God to tell you his will.  By the way, his will is good and it's perfect.

 Give up?

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