Yep...that's the title of my book that I'm in the process of writing. I've wanted to do this for a long time and I actually started working on it a little bit last year but for whatever reason, I put it off. I'm attempting to continue the process again and have actually made some pretty big steps in that direction as of late. I've even met with a couple of people of whom I value their opinions to tell them what I'm doing and "interview" them to get their thoughts and input on the topic of the book. Speaking of the topic of the book, here it is:
For most of my life, I've been a worrier...a worrier over things within my control and a worrier over things completely out of my control. I'm also a Christian. That's where the OxyMORON (emphasis on Moron) comes in. Worry...Christian...The two are not supposed to go together. We get nowhere from worrying over things...God tells us to give everything over to him but sometimes, for whatever reason, there's a few of us knuckleheads that will worry over the stupidest of things instead of trusting that God is in control and will take care of us.
I've gotten a lot better over the years but I'm still not where I need to be on the subject and I know there's people out there that struggle with the same thing. So I'm writing this book to not only categorize and talk about different things that we worry about (i.e. doubting salvation, health, finances, marriage, etc.) but to also spend an equal amount of time in the book showing you what God says about the subject and giving you some practical help so that you can start to leave that old way of life behind and begin to develop a God given peace about things.
That's it in a nutshell...thanks for reading...I would love to hear any comments you have. Also, feel free to list anything that you think might be a good topic for the book. You can comment on my blog or message me on facebook or twitter. I'll keep you posted with the process!